Portfolio analysis- How judges pick winning portfolios in sports photos

Part 1 
a) Photographer: Alyssa Schukar
b) General focus: stories
c) 3 problems:
- Very dark
- Same camera angles
- Far from subjects
d) The judges liked:
- The backgrounds
-The photos told a story
e) I personally like dark ideas, so I found this photographer intriguing, and I really liked some of her photos.

Video: 3
a) Photographer : Nick Adams
b) General Focus: Photo j
c) 3 problems:
- Focus was off
-judges did not like the baby photos as they believed it was unoriginal
- many of the photos "cut-off" subjects body parts.
d) The judges liked:
- The originality
- They liked that the photos were up close and personal to the subjects
e) Even though the judges hated all of the photos, I actually liked some of them as they were beautifully captured. I agree that some of the photos were immature as they were too tight and cropped, but some of the photos were truly stunning.

Video: 4
a) Photographer: Jordan Murph
b) General focus: Sports
c) 3 problems:
- Lots of shadows used
-water photo stars away from the portfolio composition.
- Many silhouettes and were very posed
d) The judges liked:
- The colors and focus
- Composition of the photos
e) I think the photos are very strong as they capture the athletes in their habitats. Most of the photos are beautiful and clearly show the athletes and all of their capability.

Video: 8
a) Photographer: Justin Mott
b) General Focus: Story
c) 3 problems:
- The photos do not all go together
- Some of the photos are out of focus
- Some of the photos are cropped to where it cuts off some of the subjects body
d) The judges liked:
- The emotion of the photos
- The point of view as it is very different from most photographers.
e) I loved these photos as they are very intense and emotional.

Part 2
Winning Portfolio Critiques
 a) Strengths of the photos were:
- Good color
- Good composition
- Beautiful lines being used
- Close to subject
- The photos are "filled"
- Short and Sweet

 b)What I see as strengths:
- Amazing composition
- Great lighting
- Good photo technique
- Use of "the rules of photography"
What I see as weaknesses:
- Over blurry
- Use of a lot of photoshop
- Possibly getting lower to the ground for an even more up- close and personal feel.

Part 3
Recap Video
a) The process the judges went through in deciding the winner was: The judges went through each portfolio and decided how many good/ bad photos were in each photographers portfolio. One of the big "decision makers" for them was weather or not the photos stuck to the theme that they were trying to get across through their photos. The winner portfolio had no "clunker photos" or bad photos, stuck to the theme, leading to a unanimous decision from the judges.

Part 4
Individual photos
a) The photo that I agreed with the judges on was the very first photo of the race car.  The photo was blurry, had bad lighting, and was shot at a bad angle, leading to a "crappy photo".

b) The photo that I did not agree with the judges on was the image of a tennis player with her arms up in achievement (second video). I personally didn't like that her head appears cut off. I believe the photo would have had a much larger impact if her face could have been seen. The judges loved this photo, where I believe it could have been stronger with adjustment.


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