Opinions Writing Preview

Topic: Standardized Tests
                                      Standardized Tests- Helping or Harming?
         Tests harm the health of students and hinder them from their full potential.

        Tests. In the AISD school area, students typically take around 3-4 tests a week, while having extra curriculums,  personal lives, and sleep. This is extremely hard and tends to leave me a stressed wreck by the end of the week.

         I take all Pre-AP classes which leaves me with more homework than I ever thought was possible.  This instantly creates late night cramming sessions of studying and a ton of stress. The tests seem to not take in account that students have a lot of classes and just not the one the test is in!

         I am a dancer and have rehearsals almost every day after school from 5-10 pm. By the time I'm home, I have to finish homework and study for the last minute tests. This leads to a major lack of sleep making it harder to focus the next day.

           Standardized Tests are not always a perfect gauge of a students education as they may just be having an "off day". I have experienced this as  I have had days where tests seem impossible to take and  bomb it. Students may receive good grades and completely understand the curriculum, but then the test throws a curveball that ends up demolishing your grade in the class.

           Math tests count for 70% of your grade. 70%! That's crazy. One bad test and there is no going back. However, tests are meant to gauge a students knowledge and compare it to see if they are "up to date" on what they are required to know.

          Towards the end of each semester, a mandatory final is required. These are terrifying. Not only is it a major grade, but it counts towards your average for an entire semester! Meaning you could have straight A's the entire semester, but you bomb the test and your once guaranteed A drops to a B or C.

           I believe tests should be few and far between. Teachers tend to "teach to the test" meaning everything we learn is primarily to pass a test. This won't help us in life, and teachers are getting a major lack in ability to teach their classes the way they believe it should be taught, and what they believe we truly need to know. Now a days we are taught based on a school bored agenda.

         Tests seem to create a major competition between students deriving from the ultimate goal of student success. Along side this, the amount of stress students receive is unhealthy. The lack of sleep that comes with tests ultimately hinders students as they are less awake, less focused, and less likely to retain the information. With a decreased amounts of tests, students will be more alert while getting more sleep, and will lead healthier lives with a smaller amount of stress.

        Some students just truly lack the skills of taking tests. Which does not mean that they are dumb or don't know the information, it just means they are bad at taking tests. I'm alongside with these students as I know all of the information, but when the test comes I get extremely stressed out and am unable to focus.

       Tests seem to come with the major anxiety that literally leave me feeling sick on some tests! That's crazy so much stress should not be put on a test. Students have been taking tests for as long as they can remember but it seems lately there has been a rising controversy on the tests.

      Students would be more likely to succeed with less tests and more sleep.




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