Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Article 1: Immigration Laws getting out of hand 

1. Who wrote the story? Editorial 

2. What is their story about? Immigration laws and Deportation threatening the daily lives of those involved.

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing. They believe the deportation and immigration laws are harmful to people as it makes them live in fear,"Legal citizens are now fearful that they don;t belong when strangers verbally abuse them about their heritage"(Editorial A6).

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic? Yes 

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion. No their opinion was solid and was carried throughout the entire article," The right of freedom of speech when there's evident racist change in this country" (Editorial A6).

6. Are there any quotes in the story? No.

7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)? 1st  POV

Article 2: Betsy DeVos unfit ot serve as U.S. Secretary of Education

1.  Raegan Wallace 

2. Betsy DeVos being "unfit" to serve as a U.S. Secretary for Education.

3. She believes that Betsy is unqualified to serve as the U.S. Secretary for Education," Simply unqualified for a role in the U.S.  Education Department...yet I don't believe she is prepared to lead a country's education system" (Wallace A6).

4. Yes. Wallace addressed the other side may think of the topic.

5.  Yes. It is somewhat "wishy washy" as she goes between talking about how smart, strong, and influential she is to saying she is unqualified," She is an influential woman, but she was given an opportunity to lead a sector of politics she is unqualified to lead" ( Wallace A6). 

6. There are no quotes in the article. 

7. The article was written in 1st POV.

Article 3: Our great tree is worth saving

1. Ian Miller.

2. The main tree at Bowie is worth saving.

3. He believes the tree should be saved "To see it go would be like seeing a piece of Bowie itself leave" ( Miller A7).

4. Yes. Miller addresses the other side of the topic.

5. MIller's opinion stays strong and consistent throughout the article," The tree really is worth saving, even if it will cost our school some money" (Miller A7).

6. There are no quotes in the article.

7. The article was written in 1st POV.

Article 4: Going above the norm for college 

1. Jake Brien. 

2. Students need to work extremely hard due to rising requirements of college acceptance.

3. He believes that students must work extremely hard in order to get into good colleges," the public school system will not likely get you on track to scoring high on your SAT and getting into college. It remains that students who go the extra mile, to take SAT prep courses, ... have the chance to get into any college they want to" (Brien A7).

4. Yes, Brien addresses both sides of the topic. 

5.  Briens opinion stays strong throughout the article," Unfortunately, for such an important event, it's very hard to get in" (Brien A7).

6. There are no quotes in the article. 

7. The article was written in 1st POV. 

Article 5: Importance of physics class

1. Abby Ong

2. Physics class is very important. 

3. She believes that Physics is important,"I believe all students should take it' (physics)' regardless of endorsement or future career choices" ( Ong A7).

4. Yes, Ong addresses both sides of the topic.

5. Ong's opinion stays strong throughout the article," don't brush off physics just because you don't want to do the work" (Ong A7). 

6. There are no quotes in the article.

7. The article was written in 1st POV.

Finally, answer the following questions:

A. What do you think the major differences between a hard news story and an opinions piece? Come up with at least three.
1. Opinion pieces are written in 1st POV. where hard news stories are generally written in 3rd POV.
2. Opinion pieces do not include quotes where hard news stories do.
3. Opinion pieces hold a standpoint on a topic where hard news stories do not hold an opinion on the topic.

B. Why do you think there aren't very many photos on this page? Due to it being an opinion, they don't interview people and do not go to take photos, as it is more focused on the writing.

C. What are three topics you think would be good to write an opinions piece on?
1. Standardized tests
2. Photoshop.
3. Trumps election. 


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