The Camera

                                                               The Camera
1. The "camera obscura" effect is an optical effect which inside a completely dark room, a small hole is made. Through the hole, light is focused and the optical effect is projected upside down on the opposite wall.
2. When Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens perfected the understanding go optics which helped getting to the modern camera.
3. In 1827, Joseph Niépce added film which pretty much created the modern camera.
4. Modern Cameras still use film and has the same basics except Niépce camera took over 8 hours to expose.
5. digital cameras use electronic sensors called a CCD. to capture a photo. The photographs are stored on the reusable computer memory.
                                                                Camera Modes  

6. The difference between the Auto Mode and the Program Mode is Auto Mode in which the camera completely controls the flash and exposure. In Program Mode, it has automatic- assist, where you just point and shoot and you can usually control the flash and a few camera settings.
7. The portrait mode is used for attempting to blur out the background, and the camera trys to use the fastest lens setting.
8. The sports mode is used for freezing motion, and the camera trys to use the highest shutter speed possible.

                                                                 The Half Press  

9. You should a half press on the trigger button because it gives the camera faster response times, more control over the focus of the picture, and gives a better composition.

                                                               Controlling Flash 

10. The symbol means disabled flash and is used for not using flash to make a picture possibly more dramatic.
11. This symbol means auto flash and is used to enable flash to give the photo more light.

                                                            Introduction to Exposure

12. If there is too much light, your photo will be washed out.
13. If your photo doesn't have enough light, your picture will be too dark
                                                                The Universal Stop. 

14. A "stop" is a relative change in the brightness of light.
15.  The new planet would be 1 stop brighter.
16. It would be 2 stops brighter.

                                                             Shutters and Aperture

17. A longer shutter speed gives more light to the picture.
18. A shorter shutter speed gives less light to the picture
19. The aperture controls the amount of light reaching the film, since it acts as a pupil.
20. You can increase the amount of light by making the Aperture have a larger opening.



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