Extra credit falling man response.

 The photo of the falling man is the most famous photo that people were unable to see. In the photo, it shows a man plummeting to his death. As he falls, the picture captures him looking peaceful even though the wind and degree made it anything but. This picture is so sad and is hard to believe this actually happened. It is hard to look at this, and my generation didn't even live through this. I can't imagine actually have lived through it. The hardest part is when you think about the people whom were in the building and how they had lives and families. I can't imagine having a normal day then all of a sudden your life is at deaths door. The man in the photo was not identified for almost five years. Even after identified, it is not completely assured it is him. I can't imagine anything like this or how it feels to be so hopeless as in to jump. This picture is defiantly important and should be shown so that people can truly understand just how bad that day was.


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