Warm up

1. The emotions I felt while looking at these images were sadness, helpless, anxiety, etc. The photos convey all of these emotions as she battles cancer, and eventually loses to it.
2. I believe that the comment, "These photographs do not define us, but are us." is saying that this really was their lives and not just some made up reality that some photographers use to create beautiful photos. These photos show real people.
3. I believe I could shoot these photos if I was in this situation but it would be hard to look at all the pictures and see the tragic road through cancer.
4. If I could write a letter to Angelo I would tell him to stay strong, and that although tragic he really did create a beautiful montage of her life. It is important for people to see things like this so that they can see that real people go through things like this, and to enjoy the life you have because someone is always going through something worse.


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