Video questions (tales by light)

1) The photographer in the video is Eric Cheng. He travels and photographs animals throughout the  world. "the more dangerous the better" claims the photographer as he strives for amazing photos of the wildlife.

2) What I found most interesting about this episode is that the photographer gets to travel to unique places in order to capture amazing photos of unique animals. Also, it is really interesting that the photographer has gotten so up close and personal with the animals. I love how beautiful and diverse each photograph is from each new location.

3) I learned that some of the most beautiful photos are taken just simply by getting close to the subject and stepping out of your comfort zone.  The photographer gets close to some of the most dangerous animals in the world for an amazing photo. The best images are found with risks as the photographer was very close to dangerous animals.

4) This episode takes place in Brazil in which the photographer quests to photograph the anaconda. This animal is not often captured  in photographs so the photographer went to do just that. Brazil has some of the most unique animals.

5) This work is important because  it shows that not all animals are scary and dangerous. The photos capture the gentile side of the animals within their own habitat. the animals are often portrayed a certain way but the photographer strived to change that and to showcase the beauty in the creatures.


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