Warm up

                                                                  "Sensory Overload"

1. I think this statement is fairly accurate as we become more obsessed with devices, and it has started to define us. As a photographer, this inspires me to take photos of more elements as more of a symbolic sense to represent the "bigger picture".

2. Although there are many beautiful colors and amazing photo opportunities, I hate chaos and I am easily affected by sensory overload. So, I would not be able to function in an area like this and I would not go there.

3. To be  a child of someone who worked in these areas would be very interesting as you would constantly be surrounded by a mass of products. The photographer said that the market business is like a family, so the children most likely are family of the businesses/ markets and will eventually work there or inherit it.

4. My favorite photo is the woman surrounded by hundreds of brightly colored flowers. The photo is beautiful as the flowers surround the woman, creating a stunning photo.


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