Yearbook introduction

* I was absent today 1/25 so I did the blog from home which I did not have access to the yearbooks so I found one online from another school*

25 things every year book should have:
1-  clear idea for every page
2- organization of the pictures
3- captions
4- neatness (not to much per page)
5- names of those involved in the photo
6-  theme for the yearbook
7- spreads (more than 2 pages about a topic)
8- show dates from when the events occurred
9- cover that shows the theme for the yearbook
10- cover with the title of the school
11- cover showing the school year in which the book is documenting.
12- different sections for different topics
13- only have photos specific to the topic of each spread
14- have a "table of contents"
15-have sections divided up by grade level
16- show off all of the extra curricular activities
17-show any important events from the school year
18- include group photos of students
19- student portraits
20- Show any awards won from the school year
21- school activities/ school dances/ spirit days
22- page numbers
23-teacher section/ teacher of the year
24-Show what was popular for the school year
25- school spirit sections

1) The title of the yearbook is VALL-E-HIGH
2) The yearbook is from  Spoon River Valley Highschool
3) The theme of the yearbook is as the years go by
4) There are nine sections in the yearbook
5) My favorite spread is the events spread.
6) There is an index in the book and is on pages 1-6
7) Yes there is a spread for school events which includes many group photos of students at the many school events.
8) There is also a table of contents which shows the spreads and page numbers in which those spreads can be found.
9) The school is very small with just around 145 students
10) The school is in Illianois


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