Blog #3- My Favorite Cover Favorite Winner O, The Oprah Magazine, September, Hair! "It just might be one of the great hair days of all time. For O, The Oprah Magazine’s September 2013 hair-a-palooza issue, photographer Ruven Afanador captured Oprah Winfrey radiant in a magnificent Afro. (As was widely reported, the wig, which Oprah christened “Wild Thang,” weighed about the same as a Chihuahua.) The cover sparked “’Froprah” mania, garnering 337,346,650 media impressions; Oprah’s Instagram of the image drew some 75,000 likes in 24 hours. After 13 years and more than 160 issues with the same cover model (how’s that for a challenge?), O can still surprise, delight, and pump up the volume like nobody else." - This photo of Oprah has become somewhat iconic. Most people have seen this image. I like the way her hair takes up a large section of the magazine cover because it is unusual and is an instant grab at people's attention. One thing I would change would be to...